
Marked the Day

It was a remarkable day for me. It was my Birthday and second I got a free invite on Goody's event ( a workshop for styling, blogging and modelling). I was'nt able to finish it all because of my hectic schedule Haha. Because I need to be at our house for my Birthday celebration :D 

I was with Kate (my fashion companion) glad I met here because she was always game for any kind of fashion events. She also read blogs a lot.

So we gotta see Divine Lee. another Idol :D she was soooo tall :DD

 I got this Goody bag at the entrance and they had a lot of giveaway and also I got extra 3 hair accesories and a 500 Php worth of gift certificate in SM Accesories because of winning Camille Co's giveaway.

After I got to the event, I immediately go home and celebrate my Birthday!!!

I wear this peplum dress and a pair of transparent heels.

Thank you for all my guest and for their gift :DD

It was indeed a memorable day for me and I will never forgot this day :DD

xx, D

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